A treasure hunter is in hot pursuit of a mythical treasure that has been passed down for centuries, while his employer turned enemy is onto the same path that he's on. Direction: Jon Turteltaub Actors: Christopher Plummer, David Dayan Fisher, Diane Kruger, Harvey Keitel, Special Features: 2.35:1, Widescreen format. Language: English / Add. French / Sub. French, Spanish Year: 2004 Runtime: 131 minutes
A treasure hunter is in hot pursuit of a mythical treasure that has been passed down for centuries, while his employer turned enemy is onto the same path that he's on. Direction: Jon Turteltaub Actors: Christopher Plummer, David Dayan Fisher, Diane Kruger, Harvey Keitel, Special Features: 2.35:1, Widescreen format. Language: English / Add. French / Sub. French, Spanish Year: 2004 Runtime: 131 minutes