Baroque Bass Cantatas from Mügeln Archive offers a representative sampling of cantatas for bass voice from St. John's Kantorei Archive, established in Mugeln (Saxony) in 1571. The cantatas presented here are from the first half of the 18th c. and were copied during the tenure of the music director Daniel Jacob Springsguth. All the composers were from the Saxony and Thuringia regions. The CD, featuring bass baritone Klaus Mertens and the Accademia Daniel under conductor Shalev Ad-El, demonstrates that even minor masters operating in the countryside could compose on a very high level.
1 Aria Con Affetto: Nichts Soll Mich Von Jesu Scheiden
2 Recitative: Sein Creutze Soll Mir Immer
3 Aria: Raubt Der Todt Mir Auch Das Leben
4 Aria: Sprich Treuer Himmel, Ja!
5 Recitative: Man Tritt Zwar in Der Ehe
6 Aria: Fugt Der Himmel Selbst Die Flammen
7 Recitative: Ach Glaubt Nur Dies, Es Sei Gewiss
8 Aria: Hochster Gott, Erfulle Dies!
9 Aria: Ihr Sorgen Lasset Mich Zufrieden
10 Recitative: Was Hilfft Ein Sorgen Voller Wahn
11 Aria: An Gottes Gedeyen Und Seegen
12 Recitative: Und Was Am Besten Ist
13 Aria: Ach Darinn Verlanget Mich
14 Aria: Mein Ganzes Wissen Soll Jesus Sein
15 Recitative: Wer Gottes Wort
16 Aria: Uber Alles, Uber Mich
17 Recitative: Mich Soll Kein Eitle Lust
18 Aria: Seine Lieb Ist Ohne Wancken
19 Aria: Meines Bleibens Ist Nicht Hier
20 Recitative: Die Christen Mussen Wandern
21 Aria: Ich Wandre Fort Nach Meiner Ruh
22 Accompagnato and Arioso: Ach Ware Doch Mein Abschied Vor Der Thur!
23 Sonata
24 Dictum: Des Menschen Sohn Ist Kommen
25 Recitative: Hor, Hor Menschen Kind
26 Aria: Menschen Kinder Kehrt Euch Wieder
27 Recitative: Wohlan Ich Will Den Himmel Suchen
28 Aria: Alsso Konnen Fromme Seelen
29 Dictum: Des Menschen Sohn Ist Kommen Repetatur
30 Aria: Der Herr Ist Konig
31 Aria: Von Dem An Stehet Dein Stuhl Feste
32 Aria: Die Wasserwogen Im Meer Sind Gross
33 Aria and Ciacona: Dein Wort Ist Eine Rechte Lehre
Baroque Bass Cantatas from Mügeln Archive offers a representative sampling of cantatas for bass voice from St. John's Kantorei Archive, established in Mugeln (Saxony) in 1571. The cantatas presented here are from the first half of the 18th c. and were copied during the tenure of the music director Daniel Jacob Springsguth. All the composers were from the Saxony and Thuringia regions. The CD, featuring bass baritone Klaus Mertens and the Accademia Daniel under conductor Shalev Ad-El, demonstrates that even minor masters operating in the countryside could compose on a very high level.