Tim Burton's wildly imaginative drama stars Albert Finney as Edward Bloom, a dying eccentric known for spinning larger-than-life tales of his exploits as a young man. When his estranged son (Billy Crudup) returns home to see him, Bloom regales him with a host of outlandish stories, seen in flashbacks, that are so utterly unbelievable that they may just be true. With Jessica Lange, Alison Lohman, Helena Bonham Carter, Danny DeVito, and, as Finney's younger self, Ewan McGregor. 125 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Two-disc set.
Tim Burton's wildly imaginative drama stars Albert Finney as Edward Bloom, a dying eccentric known for spinning larger-than-life tales of his exploits as a young man. When his estranged son (Billy Crudup) returns home to see him, Bloom regales him with a host of outlandish stories, seen in flashbacks, that are so utterly unbelievable that they may just be true. With Jessica Lange, Alison Lohman, Helena Bonham Carter, Danny DeVito, and, as Finney's younger self, Ewan McGregor. 125 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English. Two-disc set.