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Edition 10: Choral Music
~ YL Male Voice Choir
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Composers: | Jean Sibelius |
Conductors: | Astrid Riska, David Lundblad, Henrik Wikstr m, Henrik Wikström, Matti Hyokki, Robert Sund, Seppo Murto, Ulf Langbacka |
Performers: | Akademiska S ngf reningen, Akademiska Sångföreningen, Ari-Pekka M enp, Ari-Pekka Mäenpää, Dominante Choir, Dominate, Eken s Gossk r (Eken Boys' Choir), Ekenäs Gosskör (Ekenä Boys' Choir), Flora, Folke Grasbeck, Gustav Djupsj backa, Gustav Djupsjöbacka, Gustav Djupsk backa, Gustav Djupsköbacka, Harri Viitanen, Helena Juntunen, Helsingfors Gossk r (Helsingfors Boys' Choir), Helsingfors Gosskör (Helsingfors Boys' Choir), Ilmo Ranta, Johanna Rusanen, Jorma Hynninen, Jubilate Choir, Juhani Hapuli, Kaj-Erik Gustafsson, Lilla Akademien (Little Academy) Boys' Chorus, Mika Pohjonen, Minervaskolans Musikklassk r (Minerva School Music Class Choir), Minervaskolans Musikklasskör (Minerva School Music Class Choir), Monica Groop, Olli Hannuksela, Orphei Dr ngar, Orphei Drängar, Raimo Laukka, Sauli Tiilikainen, Sirpa Lilius, Tom Nyman, Tuomas Katajala, YL Male Voice Choir |
Title: | Edition 10: Choral Music |
Release Date: | 9/28/2010 |
Label: | Bis |
Number of Discs: | 6 |
Product Type: | CD |
Catalog #: | 1930/32 |
UPC: | 7318591930327 |
Item #: | 759319X |
- - Disc 1 -
1 Work(S): Kullervo, Op. 7 (Version for Soloists, Male Voice Choir and Piano): 5. Kullervon Kuolema (Kullervo'
2 Rakastava (The Lover), for Male Chorus (With or Without String Orchestra), JS 160
3 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 1. Sortunut Ääni (The Broken Voice)
4 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 2. Terve Kuu (Hail, O Moon)
5 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 3. Venematka (The Boat Journey)
6 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 4. Saarella Palaa (Fire on the Island)
7 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 5. Metsämiehen Laulu (The Woodsman's Song)
8 Partsongs (9), for Male Chorus, Op. 18: 6. Sydämeni Laulau (Song of My Heart)
9 Leave Off Foaming, Cataract (Heitäm Koski, Kuohuminen), for Male Chorus (Fragment), JS 94
10 Hymnus: Natus in Curas, for Male Chorus, Op. 21
11 In the Moonlight (Kuutamolla), for Male Chorus, JS 114
12 Song of the Athenians (Atenarnes SÅNG), for Boys' Chorus, Male Chorus, Winds & Percussion (Or Orchestra), Op. 31/3
13 Work(S): Sandels, Op. 28 (Version for Male Voice Choir and Piano)
- - Disc 2 -
1 Have You Courage? (Har Du Mod?) (II), for Male Chorus, JS 93
2 Not with Lamentations (Ej Med Klagan), for Chorus, JS 69
3 The Power of the Song (Laulun Mahti), for Male Chorus (Arangement of Ballad After Vihtol), JS 118
4 My Brother's Abroad, Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/2
5 To the Fatherland (Isänmaalle), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/1
6 Work(S): Tulen Synty (The Origin of Fire), Op. 32 (Version for Baritone, Male Voice Choir and Piano)
7 Have You Courage? (Har Du Mod?) (II), for Male Chorus, JS 93
8 The Song of the People of Uusimaa (Uusmaalaisten Laula), for Chorus, JS 214A
9 Partsongs (5) for Male Chorus, Op. 84: 1. Herr Lager Och SKÖN Fager (MR. Lager and the Fair One)
10 Partsongs (5) for Male Chorus, Op. 84: 2. PÅ Berget (On the Mountain)
11 Partsongs (5) for Male Chorus, Op. 84: 3. Ett Drömackord (A Dream Chord)
12 Partsongs (5) for Male Chorus, Op. 84: 4. Evige Eros (Eternal Eros)
13 Partsongs (5) for Male Chorus, Op. 84: 5. Till Havs (To Sea) (Published Version)
14 Fridolin's Folly (Fridolins Dårskap), for Male Chorus, JS 84
15 Jonas' Journey (Jone Havsfärd), for Male Chorus, JS 100
16 One Hears the Storm Outside (Ute HÖRS Stormen), for Male Chorus, JS 224/1
17 The Roaring of a Wave (Brusande Rusar en VÅG), for Male Chorus, JS 224/2
18 Resemblence (Likhet), for Male Chorus, JS 121
19 Jager March (Jääkärien Marssi), for Male Chorus & Piano (Or Brass Septet or Orchestra), Op. 91A
20 Honour March of the Singing Brothers of Viipuri (I), for Male Chorus, JS 219
21 Honour March of the Singing Brothers of Viipuri (II), for Male Chorus, JS 220
22 Partsongs (2), for Male Chorus, Op. 108: 1. Humoreski (Humoresque)
23 Partsongs (2), for Male Chorus, Op. 108: 2. Ne Pitkän Matkan Kulkijat (Wanderers on the Long Way)
24 Suojeluskunta's March (Skyddskårsmarsch), for Chorus, JS 173
25 The Bridge Guard (Siltavahti), for Male Chorus, JS 170
26 Karelia's Fate (Karjalan Osa), Patriotic March for Male Chorus & Piano, JS 108
27 We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare (Giv Mig Ej Glans), for Male Chorus, Op. 1/4
28 Finlandia Hymn (Finlandia Hymni), for Chorus & Organ (Or Harmonium), Op. 113/12
- - Disc 3 -
1 Ensam I Dunkla Skogarnas Famn (Alone in the Dark Forest's Clasp), for Chorus, JS 72
2 When Spring Once More Comes to Life (NÄR Sig Våren Åter Föder), for Chorus, JS 139
3 Imagine, See How the Bird Swoops (Tanke, Se Hut Fågen), for Chorus, JS 191
4 How Pale It All Is (Höstkvällen), for Chorus, JS 96
5 Up Through the Air (KÖR Av Vindarna; Upp Genom Luften), for Chorus & Piano, JS 213
6 Oh Do You Hear, Miss Gyellengborg? (Ack, HÖR Du Fröken Gyllengborg), Ballade for Chorus, JS 10
7 March of the Workers (Työkansan Marssi), for Chorus, JS 212
8 Play, Pretty Maiden (Soitapas Sorea Neito), for Voice & Chorus, JS 176
9 Festive March (Juhlamarssi), for Chorus (Arranged from Cantata of 1894), JS 105
10 Ohi 'Caroli', Italian Song for Chorus & Instruments (Fragments), JS 99/1
11 Trippole Trappole, Folk Song Arrangement for Chorus & Instruments (Fragments), JS 99/2
12 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 1. Me Nuoriso Suomen (We the
13 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 2. Tuuli Tuudittele (The Wind
14 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 3. Oi Toivo, Toivo, SÄ Lietom
15 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 4. Montapa Elon Merellä (Many
16 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 5. Sammuva Saino Maan (The Fa
17 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 6A. Soi Kiitokseksi Luojan (W
18 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 6B. Tuule, Tuuli Leppeämmin (
19 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 7. Oi Lempi, Sun Valtas Ääret
20 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 8. Kuin Virta Vuolas (As the
21 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 9. Oi, Kallis Suomi, Äiti Ver
22 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 1. Ecce Novum Gaudium (Behold a New Joy)
23 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 2. Angelus Emittitur (An Angel Is Sent Out)
24 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 3. in Stadio Laboris (In Athletic Strife)
25 Rakastava (The Lover), for Male Chorus (With or Without String Orchestra), JS 160
26 The Broken Voice (Sortunut Ääni), Partsong for (Or Mixed) Male Chorus, Op. 18/7
27 The Boat Journey (Venematka), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/9
28 Fire on the Island (Saarella Palaa), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/3
29 The Song of My Heart (Sydämeni Laulu), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/6
30 The Thrush's Toiling (Min Rastas Raataa), Partsong for Male Chorus, JS 129
31 To the Fatherland (Isänmaalle), Partsong for Chorus, JS 98A
- - Disc 4 -
1 In the Morning Mist (Aamusumussa), for Children's Chorus, JS 9
2 To Thérèse Hahl (Till Thérèse Hahl), for Chorus (First Version), JS 60
3 To Thérèse Hahl (Till Thérèse Hahl, Den 25 Oktober 1902), for Chorus (Second Version), JS 61
4 Not with Lamentations (Ej Med Klagan), for Chorus, JS 69
5 Listen to the Water Mill, for Unison Chorus, JS 122
6 Partsongs (2), for Chorus, Op. 65: 1. MÄN FRÅN Slätten Och Havet (Men from Land and Sea)
7 Partsongs (2), for Chorus, Op. 65: 2. Kellosävel Kallion Kirkossa (The Bells of Kallio Church)
8 The Song of the People of Uusimaa (Uusmaalaisten Laula), for Chorus, JS 214A
9 Songs for American Schools (3), for Children's Chorus & Piano, JS 199: 1. Autumn Song, for Two Voices and Piano
10 Songs for American Schools (3), for Children's Chorus & Piano, JS 199: 2. the Sun Upon the Lake Is Low, for Mixed Choir
11 Songs for American Schools (3), for Children's Chorus & Piano, JS 199: 3. a Cavalry Catch, for Unison Male Voices and Piano
12 Dreams (Drömmarna), for Chorus, JS 64
13 Scout March (Partiolaisten Marssi), for Chorus & Piano (Or Orchestra), Op. 91B
14 The Way to School (Koulutie), for Children's Chorus, JS 112
15 School Song (Skolsång), for Chorus, JS 172
16 The Lofty Heaven (Den Höga Himlen), for Chorus & Organ, JS 58A
17 A Child Is Born Unto Us (On Lapsonen Syntynyt Meille), for Chorus, JS 142
18 Finlandia Hymn (Finlandia Hymni), for Chorus & Organ (Or Harmonium), Op. 113/12
19 Why, Father, Do You Kiss My Sweetheart Here? (Vi Kysser Du Fader), for Female Chorus & Piano, JS 218
20 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 1. Ecce Novum Gaudium (Behold a New Joy)
21 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 2. Angelus Emittitur (An Angel Is Sent Out)
22 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 3. in Stadio Laboris (In Athletic Strife)
23 Nostalgia (Kotikaipaus), for Female Chorus, JS 111
24 Impromptu: 'Thou Who Guidest the Stars', for Female Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 19
25 Primary School Children's March (Kansakoululaisten), for Children's Chorus, JS 103
26 Cantata, for Female Chorus, JS 107
27 In the Morning Mist (Aamusumussa), for Children's Chorus, JS 9
28 Terve Ruhtinatar, for Children's Chorus, JS 104
29 Nejden Andas, for Children's Chorus (Arranged from the Breaking of the Ice on the River Oulu)
30 We Praise Thee, Our Creator (Soi Kunniaksi Luojan), for Chorus, Op. 23/6A
31 Christmas Songs (5) for Voice & Piano, Op. 1: 4. Giv Mig Ej Glans, Ej Guld, Ej Prakt (Give Me No Splendour, Gold or Pomp)
32 Christmas Songs (5) for Voice & Piano, Op. 1: 5. on Hanget Korkeat, Nietokset (High Are the Snowdrifts)
33 The World Song of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, for Female Childrens Chorus & Piano, Op. 91/2
- - Disc 5 -
1 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: SÄLL ÄR Den Som Fruktar Herren (Blessed Is the Man That Feareth the Lord)
2 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Svara Mig Gud NÄR Jag Ropar (O Lord, Give Ear to My Supplications)
3 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Allt Vad Anda Haver (Let Every Thing That Hath Breath (Version 1)
4 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Allt Vad Anda Haver (Let Every Thing That Hath Breath (Version 2)
5 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Credo in Unum Deum (I Believe in One God) (Version 1)
6 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Credo in Unum Deum (I Believe in One God) (Version 2)
7 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Gloria Deo in Excelsis (Glory Be to God on High)
8 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Glory Be to God on High)
9 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)
10 Chorales for Martin Wegelius, for Chorus: Morgonens Och Aftonens Portar (The Gates of Morning and Evening)
11 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Der König Trämte (The King Saw a Dream)
12 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Der Mensch Ist in Seinem Leben Wie Gras (As for Man, His Days Are As Grass)
13 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Dies Ist Der Tag Des Herren (This Is the Day Which the Lord Hath Made)
14 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Sende Dein Licht Und Deine Wahrheit (O Send Out Thy Light and Thy Truth)
15 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Ich Gehe Hinein Zum Altar Des Gottes (Then Will I Go Unto the Altar of God)
16 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Was Betrübst Du Dich, Meine Seele (Why Art Thou Cast Down, O My Soul?)
17 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Gelobet Sei Dem Herrn (May the Lord Be Praised)
18 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Halleluja, Halleluja (Alleluia, Alleluia)
19 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Halleluja! Amen
20 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Die Wasser Sahen Dich (The Waters Saw Thee)
21 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Die Toten Werden Dich, Herr, Nicht Loben (The Dead Praise Not the Lord)
22 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: (Gott) Sei Mir Gnädig (Be Merciful Unto Me) (Version 1)
23 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: (Gott) Sei Mir Gnädig (Be Merciful Unto Me) (Version 2)
24 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Er Ist Unser Herrscher (He Is Our Sovereign) (Version 1)
25 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Er Ist Unser Herrscher (He Is Our Sovereign) (Version 2)
26 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Er Ist Unser Herrscher (He Is Our Sovereign) (Version 3)
27 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Herr Gott, Mein Heiland (O Lord God of My Salvation) (Version 1)
28 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Herr Gott, Mein Heiland (O Lord God of My Salvation) (Version 2)
29 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Herr Gott, Mein Heiland (O Lord God of My Salvation) (Version 3)
30 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Herr Gott, Mein Heiland (O Lord God of My Salvation) (Version 4)
31 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Ich Will Deines Namens Gedenken (I Will Make Thy Name to Be Remembered)
32 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Mein Herr, Ich Rufe Dich An (My Lord, I Call Upon You) (Version 1)
33 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Mein Herr, Ich Rufe Dich An (My Lord, I Call Upon You) (Version 2)
34 Chorales for Albert Becker, for Chorus: Herr, Du Bist Ein Fels (Lord, You Are a Rock) (Version for Mixed Choir and Piano)
- - Disc 6 -
1 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 1. Me Nuoriso Suomen (We, the
2 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 2. Veno Kupliksi Vesille (A B
3 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 3. TÄÄ Valon Nuori Vartiasto
4 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 4. Soma on Tieto Siemeniksi (
5 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 5. Hei Tointa Tarmosaapa Tarv
6 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 6... Hylyksi Jouda (... to
7 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 7. Oi Toivo, Toivo, SÄ Lietom
8 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 8. Montapa Elon Merellä (Many
9 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 9... Suvi Nyt on Suomessa (
10 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 10. Soi Kiitokseksi Luojan (W
11 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 11. Yksin on ELO Iloton (Alon
12 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 12. Oi Lempi, Sun Valtas Ääre
13 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 13. Kuin Virta Vuolas (As the
14 Cantata for the Helsinki University Ceremonies of 1897, for Vocal Soloists, Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 23: 14. Sitä Kuusta Kuuleminen (L
15 Hymnus: Natus in Curas, for Male Chorus, Op. 21
16 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 1. Ecce Novum Gaudium (Behold a New Joy)
17 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 2. Angelus Emittitur (An Angel Is Sent Out)
18 Carminalia, Songs (3) for Chorus & Piano (Or Harmonium), JS 51: 3. in Stadio Laboris (In Athletic Strife)
19 To the Fatherland (Isänmaalle), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 18/1
20 Song of the Athenians (Atenarnes SÅNG), for Boys' Chorus, Male Chorus, Winds & Percussion (Or Orchestra), Op. 31/3
21 Impromptu: 'Thou Who Guidest the Stars', for Female Chorus & Orchestra, Op. 19
22 Have You Courage? (Har Du Mod?) (II), for Male Chorus, JS 93
23 Not with Lamentations (Ej Med Klagan), for Chorus, JS 69
24 Nejden Andas, for Children's Chorus (Arranged from the Breaking of the Ice on the River Oulu)
25 To Sea (Till Havs), Partsong for Male Chorus, Op. 84/5
26 We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare (Giv Mig Ej Glans), for Children's Chorus, Op. 1/4
27 We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare (Giv Mig Ej Glans), for Female (Or Mixed Chorus), Op. 1/4
28 We Ask for Nothing Rich or Rare (Giv Mig Ej Glans), for Female (Or Mixed Chorus), Op. 1/4
29 You Are Mighty, O Lord (Suur' Olet, Herra), for Male Chorus & Organ, JS 58B
30 Finlandia Hymn (Finlandia Hymni), for Chorus & Organ (Or Harmonium), Op. 113/12
31 Finlandia Hymn (Finlandia Hymni), for Chorus & Organ (Or Harmonium), Op. 113/12