This recording includes musical highlights of the Gregorian church year sung in 1930 under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Gajard and they have been digitally remastered. This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity which characterizes the exquisitely gracious and moving performances of Gregorian chant by the Monks of Solesmes.
“Paraclete Press offers a superb list of outstanding Christian music which is magnificently performed by the monks of Solesmes. Each of these highly recommended exceptional recordings is flawlessly produced and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations and the glorification of God.” — Reviewer’s Bookwatch
“Setting the standard for Gregorian performance.” —American Record Guide
IN THE LATE 19TH CENTURY POPE LEO XIII CHARGED THE ABBEY OF SOLESMES with the restoration and preservation of Gregorian Chant according to the original 10th–11th century manuscripts. The care and zeal with which the monks undertook this mission quickly extended the Abbey’s influence beyond Europe. Their goal: that Gregorian Chant be available to all people so they may “pray with the help of beauty” (Pope St. Pius X). Today, the Abbey continues to be a vibrant source of research and liturgical prayer with their library of over 200,000 volumes, and a musical palaeography workshop second only to the Vatican. But above all, Solesmes is a living community of Benedictine monks searching for God and sharing their spirituality, community life, and heritage.
1 Ad Te Domine, Offertory in Mode 2 (Liber Usualis No 321)
2 Qui Sedes, Domine, Gradual in Mode 7 (Liber Usualis No. 335)
3 Descendit de Caelis, Responsory in Mode 1
4 Virgo Dei Genitrix, Hymn (Mode 2) (Liber Usualis, No 1865)
5 Media Vita in Morte Sumus, Responsory in Mode 4
6 Dirigatur, Gradual in Mode 7 (Liber Usualis, No 1060A)
7 Meditabor, Offertory in Mode 2, (Liber Usualis 548)
8 Christus Factus Est, Gradual in Mode 5 (Liber Usualis, No 655)
9 Hoc Corpus, Communion in Mode 8 (Liber Usualis, No 573B)
10 Custodi Me, Offertory in Mode 1, (Liber Usualis No 611A)
11 Tenebrae, Responsory in Mode 7 (Liber Usualis, No. 680)
12 Kyrie I, in Mode 8 for the Ordinary (Liber Usualis, No 16B)
13 Gloria I, in Mode 4 for the Ordinary (Liber Usualis, No 16C)
14 Jubilate Deo Universa, Offertory in Mode 1, (Liber Usualis, 486B)
15 Christus Resurgens (Response), Mode 2, PM. 66
16 Spiritus Domini, Introit in Mode 8 (Liber Usualis, No 878B)
17 Work(S): Spiritus Sanctus & Spiritus Qui a Patre, Communions (8th Mode)
18 Da Pacem, Introit in Mode 1 (Liber Usualis No 1056A)
19 Kyrie Ad Lib X, from the Ordinary in Mode 1(Liber Usualis, No 80B)
20 Precatus Est, Offertory in Mode 8
21 Memento Verbi, Communion in Mode 4, (Liber Usualis, 1065B)
22 Assumpta Est, Alleluia in Mode 5 (Liber Usualis, No 1603)
23 Salve Regina (Antiphon) (Simple Tone) (Liber Cantualis, 94)
24 Justus Germinabit, Alleluia in Mode 1, (Liber Usualis, 1192)
25 Quinque Prudentes, Communion in Mode 5 (Liber Usualis 1228B)
26 Requiem Aeternam, Introit in Mode 6 (Liber Usualis 1807A)
27 Urbs Jerusalem, Hymn in Mode 4 (Liber Usualis, No. 1865)
This recording includes musical highlights of the Gregorian church year sung in 1930 under the direction of Solesmes choir director Dom Gajard and they have been digitally remastered. This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity which characterizes the exquisitely gracious and moving performances of Gregorian chant by the Monks of Solesmes.
“Paraclete Press offers a superb list of outstanding Christian music which is magnificently performed by the monks of Solesmes. Each of these highly recommended exceptional recordings is flawlessly produced and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations and the glorification of God.” — Reviewer’s Bookwatch
“Setting the standard for Gregorian performance.” —American Record Guide
IN THE LATE 19TH CENTURY POPE LEO XIII CHARGED THE ABBEY OF SOLESMES with the restoration and preservation of Gregorian Chant according to the original 10th–11th century manuscripts. The care and zeal with which the monks undertook this mission quickly extended the Abbey’s influence beyond Europe. Their goal: that Gregorian Chant be available to all people so they may “pray with the help of beauty” (Pope St. Pius X). Today, the Abbey continues to be a vibrant source of research and liturgical prayer with their library of over 200,000 volumes, and a musical palaeography workshop second only to the Vatican. But above all, Solesmes is a living community of Benedictine monks searching for God and sharing their spirituality, community life, and heritage.