Hilarious and heartfelt romantic comedy follows professional dating consultant Will Smith as he uses his knowledge to help New York City's lovelorn. While teaching awkward client Kevin James how to romance the girl of his dreams, he finds his own suave skills put to the test when he falls for beautiful gossip columnist Eva Mendes. Can Smith utilize his own advice to win her heart? With Amber Valletta, Julie Ann Emery, Adam Arkin, Michael Rapaport. 118 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.
Hilarious and heartfelt romantic comedy follows professional dating consultant Will Smith as he uses his knowledge to help New York City's lovelorn. While teaching awkward client Kevin James how to romance the girl of his dreams, he finds his own suave skills put to the test when he falls for beautiful gossip columnist Eva Mendes. Can Smith utilize his own advice to win her heart? With Amber Valletta, Julie Ann Emery, Adam Arkin, Michael Rapaport. 118 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English.