A tense and deeply disturbing dramatization of the horrible Nazi crimes of the second World War. The story line focuses on two German families, one Jewish, and one which thrived under the Nazi regime. Director Marvin J. Chomsky Star James Woods, Meryl Streep, David Warner, Joseph Bottoms, Rosemary Harris, Ian Holm, Special Features: Multi-Disc Set - Keep Case Audio: English Runtime: 464 minutes.
A tense and deeply disturbing dramatization of the horrible Nazi crimes of the second World War. The story line focuses on two German families, one Jewish, and one which thrived under the Nazi regime. Director Marvin J. Chomsky Star James Woods, Meryl Streep, David Warner, Joseph Bottoms, Rosemary Harris, Ian Holm, Special Features: Multi-Disc Set - Keep Case Audio: English Runtime: 464 minutes.