All they want is to say I do. But just to prove who's in charge, Cupid throws two lovebirds nothing but screwballs on their way to the altar. A few months after her wedding to John Agar, 18 year old Shirley Temple stars as an on-screen bride in this breezy comedy set in Mexico City. Temple plays Barbara, whose prospective husband (Guy Madison), a GI, has a two-day pass to marry her. At least three days' worth of complications ensue: a delayed flight, booked-up hotels, a jitterbug with the wrong partner, a right hook to the wrong chin, a fateful dip in a swimming pool...and a gallant (and older) American vice-consul who makes Barbara's heart beat a little too fast. Is she marrying the wrong guy? Expert farceur Franchot Tone plays the sophisticated vice-consul, who has his own fiancée to worry about. William Keighley, who proved his comedy mettle with The Man Who Came to Dinner and George Washington Slept Here, guides the fun.
All they want is to say I do. But just to prove who's in charge, Cupid throws two lovebirds nothing but screwballs on their way to the altar. A few months after her wedding to John Agar, 18 year old Shirley Temple stars as an on-screen bride in this breezy comedy set in Mexico City. Temple plays Barbara, whose prospective husband (Guy Madison), a GI, has a two-day pass to marry her. At least three days' worth of complications ensue: a delayed flight, booked-up hotels, a jitterbug with the wrong partner, a right hook to the wrong chin, a fateful dip in a swimming pool...and a gallant (and older) American vice-consul who makes Barbara's heart beat a little too fast. Is she marrying the wrong guy? Expert farceur Franchot Tone plays the sophisticated vice-consul, who has his own fiancée to worry about. William Keighley, who proved his comedy mettle with The Man Who Came to Dinner and George Washington Slept Here, guides the fun.