Mailroom clerk Norville Barnes is a rube, a schmo, a grade-A ding-dong - just what Hudsucker Industries wants in a president! With him at the top, the stock will hit bottom and the fat cats on the board can take over. But Norville (Tim Robbins) has his own spiffy little plan. And if a snoopy reporter (Jennifer Jason Leigh) doesn't put the kibosh on the Hudsucker flimflam and finagling big cheese Sidney J. Mussburger (Paul Newman) doesn't squash him, Norvilles idea will put a smile on the hips of all America! The Hudsucker Proxy will plaster a smile on you, too. With a nod to the rapid-fire movies of Frank Capra and Preston Sturges and lots of visual flair, filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen (Fargo, The Big Lebowski) craft a comic Hiya Bub! To business success. You'll love the Hud!
Mailroom clerk Norville Barnes is a rube, a schmo, a grade-A ding-dong - just what Hudsucker Industries wants in a president! With him at the top, the stock will hit bottom and the fat cats on the board can take over. But Norville (Tim Robbins) has his own spiffy little plan. And if a snoopy reporter (Jennifer Jason Leigh) doesn't put the kibosh on the Hudsucker flimflam and finagling big cheese Sidney J. Mussburger (Paul Newman) doesn't squash him, Norvilles idea will put a smile on the hips of all America! The Hudsucker Proxy will plaster a smile on you, too. With a nod to the rapid-fire movies of Frank Capra and Preston Sturges and lots of visual flair, filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen (Fargo, The Big Lebowski) craft a comic Hiya Bub! To business success. You'll love the Hud!