Friends don't let friends marry golddiggers. So a pal (Edward Everett Horton) whisks Manhattan Madness critic Larry MacArthur (Pat O'Brien) 3,000 miles away from a husband-hunting honey to the sun, song and gaming of Agua Caliente. What neither gent knows is that performer Rita Gomez (Dolores del Rio) is there - and she'd love to get revenge for the unfair critical slam Larry gave her New York City tour. Silliness shines in in Caliente, a musical comedy whose Busby Berkeley numbers include the horses and hordes of Muchacha and the elegant the Lady in Red, a tune used often in Warner Bros. Cartoons and rendered here in a way that's 'perfectly photographed and really a thing of beauty' (Frank S. Nugent, the New York Times).
Friends don't let friends marry golddiggers. So a pal (Edward Everett Horton) whisks Manhattan Madness critic Larry MacArthur (Pat O'Brien) 3,000 miles away from a husband-hunting honey to the sun, song and gaming of Agua Caliente. What neither gent knows is that performer Rita Gomez (Dolores del Rio) is there - and she'd love to get revenge for the unfair critical slam Larry gave her New York City tour. Silliness shines in in Caliente, a musical comedy whose Busby Berkeley numbers include the horses and hordes of Muchacha and the elegant the Lady in Red, a tune used often in Warner Bros. Cartoons and rendered here in a way that's 'perfectly photographed and really a thing of beauty' (Frank S. Nugent, the New York Times).