A sparkling, legendary romantic comedy based on the story "Night Bus" by Samuel Hopkins Adams about a news reporter and a runaway heiress who fall in love while traveling cross country on a bus. Academy Awards: 5, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor-Clark Gable, Best Actress Claudette Colbert, Best Adapted Screenplay. Director Frank Capra Starring Clark Gable, Ward Bond, Claudette Colbert, Henry Wadsworth, Alan Hale, Special Features: Full Frame - 1.33 Single Side - Dual Layer Audio: Dolby Digital Mono 2.0 - English Dolby Digital Mono 2.0 Spanish.
A sparkling, legendary romantic comedy based on the story "Night Bus" by Samuel Hopkins Adams about a news reporter and a runaway heiress who fall in love while traveling cross country on a bus. Academy Awards: 5, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor-Clark Gable, Best Actress Claudette Colbert, Best Adapted Screenplay. Director Frank Capra Starring Clark Gable, Ward Bond, Claudette Colbert, Henry Wadsworth, Alan Hale, Special Features: Full Frame - 1.33 Single Side - Dual Layer Audio: Dolby Digital Mono 2.0 - English Dolby Digital Mono 2.0 Spanish.