'Clowning, kissing, kidding, cavorting' - words not normally used to advertise the celluloid pairings of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon, but clearly studio publicity was giddy at the thought of good girl Greer stepping out of her comfort zone and onto the naughty side in Julia Misbehaves. Dancehall girl Julia Packett (Greer Garson) has not seen her daughter since shortly after her birth, forced to separate from the upper class husband (Walter Pidgeon) by the snobby clan he calls family. Depending on her beauty, wiles and the kindness of a variety of gentlemen, she is startled to receive a wedding invitation in the post. An invite from the same daughter, Susan (Elizabeth Taylor), she has not seen in 20 years. It's off to France, where, to secure her daughter's happiness (and maybe her own) Julia will once again shock her staid in-laws.
'Clowning, kissing, kidding, cavorting' - words not normally used to advertise the celluloid pairings of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon, but clearly studio publicity was giddy at the thought of good girl Greer stepping out of her comfort zone and onto the naughty side in Julia Misbehaves. Dancehall girl Julia Packett (Greer Garson) has not seen her daughter since shortly after her birth, forced to separate from the upper class husband (Walter Pidgeon) by the snobby clan he calls family. Depending on her beauty, wiles and the kindness of a variety of gentlemen, she is startled to receive a wedding invitation in the post. An invite from the same daughter, Susan (Elizabeth Taylor), she has not seen in 20 years. It's off to France, where, to secure her daughter's happiness (and maybe her own) Julia will once again shock her staid in-laws.