Mozart was a young husband and would soon become a father when he was composing L'oca del Cairo and Lo sposo deluso, two operas destined to remain fragments. After the success of The Abduction from the Seraglio, he worked concurrently on these two new works. In L'oca del Cairo (The Goose of Cairo) a father locks his daughter in a tower to keep her away from her lover. After much confusion and mischief during which a large mechanical metal goose plays an important role, the father finally gives in. Mozart decided not to finish this opera because he did not like the libretto; after a number of sketches of the music - which, as always, is wonderful - for arias, duets, and the finale he stopped working on it. After all, he had a second opera project in the works, Lo sposo deluso (The Deluded Bridegroom). Three ladies - Emilia, Metilde, and Laurina - are rivals for Emilia's beloved, who is presumed to be dead but then resurfaces. After much confusion the idea was also to conclude this opera with a happy ending, but things never got that far. It remained an unfinished fragment and never made it's way to the stage.
4 Lo Sposo Deluso. Aria: Dove Mai Trovar Quel Ciglio - Ioan Micu
5 Lo Sposo Deluso. Terzetto: Che Accidenti - Leonie Schoon/Bernhard Loonen/Herman Bekaert
6 L' Oca Del Cairo. Duetto: Cosi Si Fa - Gretje Anthoni/Romain Bischof
7 L' Oca Del Cairo. Aria: Se Fosse Qui Nascoso - Gretje Anthoni
8 L' Oca Del Cairo. Aria: Ogni Momento - Romain Bischof
9 L' Oca Del Cairo. Recitativo: O Pazzo, Pazzissimo Biondello - Herman Bekaert/Gretje Anthoni
10 L' Oca Del Cairo. Aria Et Terzetto: Siano Pronte Alle Gran Nozze - Herman Bekaert/Gretje Anthoni/Romain Bischof
11 L' Oca Del Cairo. Aria: Che Faccia, Che Dica - Bernhard Loonen
12 L' Oca Del Cairo. Quartetto: S' Oggi, Oh Dei, Sperar Mi Fate - Rolande Van Der Paal/Leonie Schoon/Bernhard Loonen/Ioan Micu
13 L' Oca Del Cairo. Duetto: Ho Un Pensiero Nel Cervello - Gretje Anthoni/Romain Bischof
14 L' Oca Del Cairo. Finale: Su Via, Putti, Presto! - Ioan Micu/Bernhard Loonen/Rolande Van Der Paal/Leonie Schoon/Gretje Anthoni/Romain Bischof/
15 Aria in C, KV582: Che Sa, Qual Sia - Leonie Schoon
16 QT in E Flat, Dite Al Meno, KV 479 - Rolande Van Der Paal/Bernard Loonen/Romain Bischof/Herman Bekaert
Mozart was a young husband and would soon become a father when he was composing L'oca del Cairo and Lo sposo deluso, two operas destined to remain fragments. After the success of The Abduction from the Seraglio, he worked concurrently on these two new works. In L'oca del Cairo (The Goose of Cairo) a father locks his daughter in a tower to keep her away from her lover. After much confusion and mischief during which a large mechanical metal goose plays an important role, the father finally gives in. Mozart decided not to finish this opera because he did not like the libretto; after a number of sketches of the music - which, as always, is wonderful - for arias, duets, and the finale he stopped working on it. After all, he had a second opera project in the works, Lo sposo deluso (The Deluded Bridegroom). Three ladies - Emilia, Metilde, and Laurina - are rivals for Emilia's beloved, who is presumed to be dead but then resurfaces. After much confusion the idea was also to conclude this opera with a happy ending, but things never got that far. It remained an unfinished fragment and never made it's way to the stage.