While in orbit around the Earth, the crew of Space Shuttle Odyssey witnesses the inconceivable: The complete annihilation of Earth in a fiery explosion. With one crew member dead, another suffering from a concussion, and only nine hours of oxygen left on the ship, the fate of the astronauts seems to be sealed. Star Peter Weller, Sebastian Roche, Christopher Gorham, Leslie Silva Special Features: 5-Disc Set Widescreen - 1.78 Audio: Stereo - English Runtime: 935 minutes Year of Release: 2002.
While in orbit around the Earth, the crew of Space Shuttle Odyssey witnesses the inconceivable: The complete annihilation of Earth in a fiery explosion. With one crew member dead, another suffering from a concussion, and only nine hours of oxygen left on the ship, the fate of the astronauts seems to be sealed. Star Peter Weller, Sebastian Roche, Christopher Gorham, Leslie Silva Special Features: 5-Disc Set Widescreen - 1.78 Audio: Stereo - English Runtime: 935 minutes Year of Release: 2002.