The story of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), a reluctant hero who takes up arms alongside his idealistic patriot son, Gabriel (Heath Ledger), leads a rebel American Militia into battle against a relentless and overwhelming Redcoat army. Features: Cast/Crew Biographies, Audio Commentary, Trailer, Deleted Footage, Making of and more. Languages: English, French/SUB: English, French. (2000) Running Time: 165 Minutes.
The story of Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), a reluctant hero who takes up arms alongside his idealistic patriot son, Gabriel (Heath Ledger), leads a rebel American Militia into battle against a relentless and overwhelming Redcoat army. Features: Cast/Crew Biographies, Audio Commentary, Trailer, Deleted Footage, Making of and more. Languages: English, French/SUB: English, French. (2000) Running Time: 165 Minutes.