The story of the Paino Blues is largely one of unsung heroes and a music mostly forgotten but richly varied, intense and exciting. It's a music forged in the smoky heat of the barrelhouses of the levee, lumber, turpentine and railroad camps of Louisiana and Texas and the whorehouses of New Orleans and other southern cities. Not a polite music; it is rough and ready accompaniment beaten out to the rhythms of drinking, dancing, gambling and dangerous lovemaking. Acrobat. 2003.
12 Frisco Hi-Ball Blues - Little Brother Montgomery
13 East Chicago Blues - Pinetop & Lindberg
14 Fat Mama Blues - Jabo Williams
15 Fives - Turner Parrish
16 Barrelhouse Woman No. 2 - Leroy Carr
17 Dozing Blues - George Noble
18 Texas Stomp - Dot Rice
19 The Cannonball - Roosevelt Sykes
20 The Flying Crow - Black Ivory King
21 Chicago in Mind - Albert Ammons
22 Had a Dream - Cripple Clarence Lofton
23 At the Window - Jimmy Yancey
The story of the Paino Blues is largely one of unsung heroes and a music mostly forgotten but richly varied, intense and exciting. It's a music forged in the smoky heat of the barrelhouses of the levee, lumber, turpentine and railroad camps of Louisiana and Texas and the whorehouses of New Orleans and other southern cities. Not a polite music; it is rough and ready accompaniment beaten out to the rhythms of drinking, dancing, gambling and dangerous lovemaking. Acrobat. 2003.