Intense espionage yarn stars Jean-Paul Belmondo as Joss Beaumont, a slick French spy assigned to assassinate an African dictator. After arriving in the Dark Continent, the political climate shifts, and he's arrested and imprisoned as his superiors leave him hung out to dry. After two years behind bars, Beaumont escapes... and is eager to claim revenge. Expertly crafted thriller with a memorable Ennio Morricone score also stars Michel Beaune, Robert Hossein, Jean Desailly. 108 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: French; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer. In French with English subtitles.
Intense espionage yarn stars Jean-Paul Belmondo as Joss Beaumont, a slick French spy assigned to assassinate an African dictator. After arriving in the Dark Continent, the political climate shifts, and he's arrested and imprisoned as his superiors leave him hung out to dry. After two years behind bars, Beaumont escapes... and is eager to claim revenge. Expertly crafted thriller with a memorable Ennio Morricone score also stars Michel Beaune, Robert Hossein, Jean Desailly. 108 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: French; Subtitles: English; audio commentary; theatrical trailer. In French with English subtitles.