Atomicats' Rock 'n' Roll Floozy series (ACCD034-037 and 092) invites you to drive to the wrong side of the track and head on over to the trailer park. Here the raw and greasy little-known ditties from the hepped-up cats blast out of the speakers, and sexuality is in the air. These bopsters are the stars at the dive, wailing and screaming their style of Rockabilly and Rock 'n' Roll, and the wayward floozy she digs them the most, and for her rocking has two meanings! These rhythm infested titles send our girl wild with desire, and the men are slaves to her rhythmic body swirling as she gyrates to the Big Beat! The good people on the right side of the train track hate the people, "trash" they say with disdain, and Sunday finds them praying for their wayward soul. For the menfolk they are dreaming of an escape, they want to cross the track and rejoice in potent rocking sounds and join the fun and action, now who is the real floozy? The series is designed from a living experience "man those chicks and dives are my life and the living end of fun."
7 Jimmy Lamberth with the Saxons - Latch on to Your Baby
8 Harry Carter with the Dixie Rhythmaires - Rhythm in My Soul
9 The Super-Phonics (Vocal) Ronnie Hanson - Teen-Age Partner
10 The Coronas (Vocal) Bill Heid - I Need Your Lovin' Again
11 Jett Powers and the Ranch Hands - Go Girl Go
12 Reggie Perkins and His Rockin' Maniacs - Pretty Kitty
13 George Fleming - the Shake
14 Dick Penner - Cindy Lou
15 The New Blockbusters - Rock & Roll Guitar
16 The Champs - Alley Cat
17 Al Jones - Loretta
18 Andy Doll - Hey Ba Ba Re Bop
19 Bobby Dean - Dime Store Pony Tail
20 Freddy Cole and the Northern Lights - Swirl
21 Eddie Stapleton - Well I'm Weak
22 The Storms (Vocal) Carl Groves - Canteen Baby
23 Tony Chick - a Car
24 Lee West with the Westonians - Saturday Night Rock
25 Bill Lehman and the Rock-Itts - Take It Easy, Greasy
26 The Astronauts - Come Along Baby
27 The Tri-Tones - Chicken in the Basket
28 Chuck Gray - Foot Loose and Free
Atomicats' Rock 'n' Roll Floozy series (ACCD034-037 and 092) invites you to drive to the wrong side of the track and head on over to the trailer park. Here the raw and greasy little-known ditties from the hepped-up cats blast out of the speakers, and sexuality is in the air. These bopsters are the stars at the dive, wailing and screaming their style of Rockabilly and Rock 'n' Roll, and the wayward floozy she digs them the most, and for her rocking has two meanings! These rhythm infested titles send our girl wild with desire, and the men are slaves to her rhythmic body swirling as she gyrates to the Big Beat! The good people on the right side of the train track hate the people, "trash" they say with disdain, and Sunday finds them praying for their wayward soul. For the menfolk they are dreaming of an escape, they want to cross the track and rejoice in potent rocking sounds and join the fun and action, now who is the real floozy? The series is designed from a living experience "man those chicks and dives are my life and the living end of fun."