Set in the 1950s, this compelling drama stars Brendan Fraser as David Greene, a working-class teenager and football star who hides the fact that he's Jewish from his bigoted fellow students at an exclusive Massachusetts prep school. When a classmate (Matt Damon) learns the truth and exposes him, David must stand up to prejudice and scorn. Chris O'Donnell, Ben Affleck, Amy Locane, Cole Hauser also star. 107 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo, French Dolby Digital stereo.
Set in the 1950s, this compelling drama stars Brendan Fraser as David Greene, a working-class teenager and football star who hides the fact that he's Jewish from his bigoted fellow students at an exclusive Massachusetts prep school. When a classmate (Matt Damon) learns the truth and exposes him, David must stand up to prejudice and scorn. Chris O'Donnell, Ben Affleck, Amy Locane, Cole Hauser also star. 107 min. Widescreen (Enhanced); Soundtracks: English Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Digital stereo, French Dolby Digital stereo.