“Dance is the mother of the arts. Music and poetry exist in time, painting and architecture in space. But the dance lives at once in time and space. Rhythmical patterns of time and the organization of space are things that man created by means of the dance in his own body before he used stone and the word to give expression to his emotions.”
The programme for this recording focuses on the celebration of “Dance in the Baroque world” through two great 18th century composers: the Frenchman Jean-Féry Rebel and the German Georg Philipp Telemann.
“Dance is the mother of the arts. Music and poetry exist in time, painting and architecture in space. But the dance lives at once in time and space. Rhythmical patterns of time and the organization of space are things that man created by means of the dance in his own body before he used stone and the word to give expression to his emotions.”
The programme for this recording focuses on the celebration of “Dance in the Baroque world” through two great 18th century composers: the Frenchman Jean-Féry Rebel and the German Georg Philipp Telemann.