The further adventures of Riddick continue five years later, as the escaped convict with the ability to see in the dark finds himself caught in the middle of a galactic war between two opposing forces, with the key figure being the Lord Marshal, the leader of a sect called the Necromongers waging the "10th Crusade" in the 26th century. Direction: David Twohy Actors: Judi Dench, Keith David, Thandie Newton, Vin Diesel Special Features: Full Frame Format. Language: English Runtime: 127 minutes.
The further adventures of Riddick continue five years later, as the escaped convict with the ability to see in the dark finds himself caught in the middle of a galactic war between two opposing forces, with the key figure being the Lord Marshal, the leader of a sect called the Necromongers waging the "10th Crusade" in the 26th century. Direction: David Twohy Actors: Judi Dench, Keith David, Thandie Newton, Vin Diesel Special Features: Full Frame Format. Language: English Runtime: 127 minutes.