BLU-RAY/DVD COMBO. The studio that brought you REMEMBER THE TITANS presents another unforgettable film based on a true story. Dennis Quaid stars in THE ROOKIE - now more triumphant than ever on Blu-ray Disc. High school coach Jim Morris (Dennis Quaid) thought his dream was over. He'd had his shot playing baseball, blew out his shoulder, and retired without ever reaching the big leagues. Then, in 1999, he made a bet with his perpetually losing team: If they won the district championship, Morris - who threw a 98 mph fastball would try out for the majors. The team went from worst to first, and Jim was soon on the road to becoming the oldest rookie in the major leagues! Feel the sun on your face as you savor the view from the pitcher's mound in the breathtaking clarity of high definition. Thrill to the thunderous roar of the crowd with spectacularly enhanced audio quality. Everyone will cheer as they experience this inspiring story in Blu-ray High Definition!