Adapted from the novel by A. J. Cronin, this British drama centers on exploitation in a northern mining community. A young man leaves home with a university scholarship with the purpose of later returning home to help his family. While attending school, he falls in love and begins a new life. After learning of the deadly working conditions, he returns home to fight against the mine ownership and management. Interesting note: the film was changed for American audiences with differing credits, voice-over and a different ending.
Adapted from the novel by A. J. Cronin, this British drama centers on exploitation in a northern mining community. A young man leaves home with a university scholarship with the purpose of later returning home to help his family. While attending school, he falls in love and begins a new life. After learning of the deadly working conditions, he returns home to fight against the mine ownership and management. Interesting note: the film was changed for American audiences with differing credits, voice-over and a different ending.