Robert Stack, Nicholas Georgiade, Abel Fernandez. This classic crime drama brought the real-life exploits of Prohibition agent Eliot Ness to the small screen to show how he and his 'untouchables" fought on the streets of Chicago in the 1920s to bring notorious mobsters to justice. Featuring guest stars Lee Marvin, Harry Guardino, Leonard Nimoy, Nehemiah Persoff, Martin Balsam, Gavin McLeod and more in 12 episodes on 3 DVDs. 1962/b&w/10 hrs., 3 min/NR/fullscreen.
Robert Stack, Nicholas Georgiade, Abel Fernandez. This classic crime drama brought the real-life exploits of Prohibition agent Eliot Ness to the small screen to show how he and his 'untouchables" fought on the streets of Chicago in the 1920s to bring notorious mobsters to justice. Featuring guest stars Lee Marvin, Harry Guardino, Leonard Nimoy, Nehemiah Persoff, Martin Balsam, Gavin McLeod and more in 12 episodes on 3 DVDs. 1962/b&w/10 hrs., 3 min/NR/fullscreen.