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![]() Venom / Venom: Let There Be Carnage[Blu-ray]![]()
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Thu. Mar 20 - Fri. Apr 4
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Product NotesTwo-disc set includes: Venom (2018)Investigative journalist Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) becomes bonded to a symbiotic alien lifeform while trying to expose unscrupulous scientist Carlton Drake's (Riz Ahmed) experiments on human test subjects. Granted superhuman abilities thanks to his joining with the creature, Brock must use his newfound powers to stop Drake, who also plays host to a powerful extraterrestrial monster. Thrilling big-screen solo outing for the popular Marvel Comics character co-stars Michelle Williams, Scott Haze, Reid Scott. 112 min. C/Rtg: PG-13 Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)As he tried to cope with the alien symbiote now sharing his body, Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) couldn't turn down the invite that could recharge his flagging journalism career: A prison sit-down with psychotic serial murderer Cletus Kasaday (Woody Harrelson). Freak circumstance caused the parasite to infect Kasaday as well-resulting in an escape and rampage that even Venom might not be able to stop. Showdown for the Marvel Comics supervillains co-stars Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris. 90 min. C/Rtg: PG-13 Details
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